This dude isn't even a pedo he just looks so fucking stupid. FIU's HomePage.
The nigga in question:
Look at what this nigga did bro. Like this shit pisses me off. How the fuck do you look like that and act like this. You can't tell me this nigga ain't a diddler.
This nigga actually thought he did something standing in his fucking anime store with his fucking beaver thing between his arms. There aint no bitches in there, only dudes and trannies. I wouldnt be suprised if this nigga is looking at a kid off camera, he's just built like a pedo. To make it even worse this nigga buys two beavers. Probably for the kid he has locked up in his house. These are the critters we have to deal with at FIU. They're tarnishing the image of our school.